
Robert Tamayo


A Day Gaming

Game developers must play games. It lets them discover what else is out there. It gives them ideas. And for me, it rekindles the passion for making games.

There's a reason I got into games, and there's a reason I'm a software developer. Software engineering for me has nothing to do with wanting to make money out of it. That might be a reason I look down on boot camps. I only ever learned to code because I wanted to make a game.

I have a long way to go to be good at anything. But that's why playing games is good. It reminds me of the bigger picture - what I'm actually participating in.

Today, I played Back 4 Blood, a game that has been on my shelf for ages. I finally got back into it, knowing that the developers had tweaked the difficulty enough times to make it playable. I was dismayed at first when my PC kept crashing. I ended up turning down the graphics settings, and I think that made a huge difference - no more crashes after that. The game is fun, but it's not Left 4 Dead. As I said in my last post about it, it's more like a shooter than a game. Also, games like this are much more fun co-op, and I was only playing solo campaign.

Either way, I had a good time playing games for a day.

Maybe it will inspire me to finish up Balloon Ghost and move on to other, bigger projects?

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