
Robert Tamayo


Admit When You Are Wrong

No one is fooled. When you're wrong about something, squirming around and avoiding admitting defeat is not going to make it look like you are somehow right. 

The use of evasive language should be confined the legal system, as the culture of law is quite different from daily human interaction. In normal, everyday conversations involving one party being wrong about something, dancing around it is simply annoying.

I freely admit when I'm wrong about something, but if someone were to accuse me of never admitting when I was wrong, then I would admit I was wrong about thinking I never deny being wrong.

Anyways, the point is that people who can't admit they are wrong are usually just thinking way too much about what others think of them. That's why I think it's important to avoid being called an expert on anything, as the status of expert is dependent on being right about things all the time. It's also important to take risks and state things in terms that are clear what the conditions of failure are. For example, take this statement: "it's probably not a good idea to do that since it most likely won't work out." If it in fact does work out, then it would be easy for the speaker to state he was never technically wrong - he left room for a successful outcome in his statement by appealing to probabilities. But that's just ridiculous.
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