
Robert Tamayo


Blog Updates

I've been writing every day for over three months now, and it has helped me in ways I didn't imagine. That said, there is merit in having a general theme to write about. I've noticed that there is definitely a drawback to writing every day without a true focus. I change up the theme of my blog posts from Robot Ops updates and game development/coding commentary to mythology and language learning. 

Today's "update" about my upcoming projects is actually directly related to how I will be writing my blog posts going forward. I thought about dividing things up into categories and tags, and while that would help focus things in a bit, I don't think it would accomplish the organization I'm looking for. 

I've really enjoyed writing about language learning and mythology, more so than I thought I would at first. I will be launching a spinoff blog pretty soon that will take over the mythology posts entirely. I'm going to be migrating my mythology posts over to there, and I'm going to keep that blog's theme more focused on mythology, history, and literature. I'll also keep my language learning updates and gym updates there. The overall goal of that blog will be to use the past to understand the present and to build the future. Recent blog posts that outline this idea are Ephemeral Artifacts and Connections to the Past.

That will free up the content on this blog to be focused on game development, programming, and music.

With this separation will come a site redesign or update, as well as a new site entirely for the new blog. I also have some other work to do on some other projects of mine. I'm planning on making most of these changes and updates after releasing Robot Ops, but that means that after I release the game I will be quite busy with other tasks. Hopefully the cutover won't take too long, but I'm not going to hold myself to writing one blog post a day if it means pushing back work on the transition.

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