
Robert Tamayo


Component Oriented Programming

I can't remember where I heard it recently, but I was moved by a simple piece of advice to "follow the market". Essentially, one can't resist the market forces. What the people want, do that. It's kind of like "if you can't beat them, join them," but in a business sense regarding the optimal tactic of adopting trends and resisting the urge to subvert them.

React is taking over the market. For the past 5-10 years, most predictions on the future of a particular javascript framework would have been speculation, especially considering the volatile "early" days of the current gen js view libraries. Instead of adding my own prediction to the mountain of skulls comprised of dead "angular/vue/react is the next big thing/will fail tomorrow" predictions, I'm going to simply acknowledge that from my standpoint as a web developer and software engineer, React is clearly the market leader right now.

Who cares if React will be around in 10 years. Who cares if "it's just javascript", and who cares if React developers truly understand the real DOM or not. What matters is that React is what people want.

Before these view libraries came around, the big thing in JavaScript was getting classes into the language. Now, with React's functional components, the OOP stuff is almost entirely gone from the cutting edge web development stack. Instead of Object Oriented Programming, more and more developers are focusing on Component Oriented Programming.

Who knows how long COP will live, or whether it will be more popular than OOP. Components are not as flexible as objects, since they are always tied to the idea of a DOM in some sense. But it's futile to resist the market if you want to come out on top. 

This isn't a moral dilemma. It's a programming paradigm for building web apps.
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