
Robert Tamayo


Grand Finale of 2022

This year was decent - I won't hold it against myself that I didn't actually accomplish many of the goals I set out to complete in the beginning of the year. Instead, the year was filled with a good deal of traveling, getting a dog, and decent-to-good progress everywhere else.

I can start 2023 knowing that my next game will be launched soon. I know I'm going to get some time back by not writing a blog post daily. I still have plenty of books to read, and I need to continue my journey to learn Latin.

However, as opposed to this year, which focused on investigations into the past, I'm going to be more focused on improving my technology skills. My focus will be on becoming the technologist I want to be by the time I hit my 20 year mark of working in technology. That's a long ways off, but the right steps need to be taken now.

I'm heading into 2023 with nothing but a positive outlook. It will hopefully be filled with tons of new projects and a new row of books read.

Most importantly, I'm thankful to God for giving me this last year. I hope to use this next year to do His will and live for Him, more than in years past. So, as I leave my computer to get ready for the evening, I wish everyone reading this a Happy New Year!

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