
Robert Tamayo


I Still Hear People Talking About Trump

And not because he's running for office again. I hear people bringing him up in completely unrelated conversations and placing blame for a problem on him. Next year is the election year, and yet Trump is still somehow the source of all the problems.

Technically, it may be true. But that's not why people bring him up. They say it because they simply want to blame someone for something (maybe for their lack of conversation skills) and to divert attention away from proposed solutions to actual problems.

I use "Trump" simply because he evokes strong, negative emotions in many people. To them, bringing him up in conversation is like talking about the time they slammed the car door on their pinky and broke a nail. Casually talking about negative experiences and blaming everything on them is a horrible way to live life.

Continuously focusing on negative events and stories keeps the mind numb and unable to process the actual emotions associated with them. Maybe the reason these bad experiences and memories keep coming up in conversation is because the person simply hasn't moved on and lacks the emotional intelligence necessary to "grow up." These people think "Trump Bad, Biden Bad" is engaging conversation, but unless you are talking to a federal employee, it literally doesn't concern anyone. 

Everyone is quick to make fun of Karen, but they've forgotten how miserable it is to spend time with a Negative Nancy.

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