
Robert Tamayo


Maybe One More 2D Game

I wanted to move onto 3D games this year, but that changed when I came up with the idea for Balloon Ghost. After Balloon Ghost, there is a slight chance that I'll make just one more 2D platformer. I say this because the 2D framework I built for Robot Ops is easy to work with and would enable me to make a game much faster than if I were to use Unreal Engine and Blender.

That said, I've seen some really cool tricks that people are using to make 3D games with little effort. It's now easier than ever to make great-looking 3D games for solo developers.

I'm not yet done with Balloon Ghost, so until then, I won't think too deeply about it. I don't know what game I'll make next, but I think that if I choose to make another 2D game, it will be my last. I really do need to move on and start making games in the third dimension.
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