
Robert Tamayo


Momentum is Motivation

Since April of last year I have been suffering from a lack of motivation. My creative drive seems to have disappeared altogether, and I can't figure out how to get it back.

I started looking through my notes and old blog posts to figure out what happened. Perhaps there was a clue somewhere.

It turns out that I had stopped writing daily blog posts in March of last year. The timing of that can't be coincidental. I was feeling burnt out at the time, and I needed a break. But when I stopped writing the daily blog posts, it seems my problems got worse.

I don't think the daily blog posts are a tremendous benefit to me. But maybe I'm wrong about that, as they are a constant source of momentum and drive.

It seems that momentum is motivation. When my momentum stopped, so did my motivation. An object in motion stays in motion, but an object at rest stays at rest.

I have a lot of work to do to get my momentum back in full swing, but I have no doubt that when I do, I will find myself feeling more motivated.

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