
Robert Tamayo


Taking Care of the Dog

So far, taking care of Pearl has been going pretty smoothly. She mostly sleeps all day. When she's in her "active" moods, she doesn't run around the house and demand you play with her; she's too old for that. Instead, she'll just roll around on the couch for a bit until she wears herself out. She's getting plenty of exercise for her age; we take her for 4 walks a day, averaging about 20 minutes each. The exercise is good for us, too, as I'm now getting about a half hour of sun each day.

We took her to dog wash today for a bath and nail clipping. She was excited when we got home, which is a good sign that she is starting to feel comfortable here. Another sign she is feeling comfortable is that she is eating more regularly; when we first got her, she would barely eat anything at all for the first couple days. She has her favorite spots around the house, as well, so we know where to look out for her while walking around.

A good side effect of having a dog is that it's forcing me to think about things in the longer term. I spoke of a 100 Day Challenge in an earlier blog post, and I started that challenge shortly after we starting housing her. I'm not going to get into detail about the parts of the challenge, but they are all important to me right now. All I can say is that taking care of a little old dog has not impeded me in any way; to the contrary, it may have spurred me into action for a variety of reasons. My eyes are on the goal, and I'm going to get it.

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