
Robert Tamayo


There is No Tomorrow

I'm not saying that there isn't actually a tomorrow. I'm just saying that it's better to start things now as though there weren't a tomorrow. 

The Benjamin Franklin quote goes "Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today." 

The Chinese proverb goes "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

I won't go into too much detail about it, but I've decided to continue blogging daily. I was going to wait until tomorrow to start, but I remembered those wise sayings. So I'm starting it up again now.

Even though I stopped the daily blog posts due to the declining quality of posts and the time taken to write, I still remember feeling better writing every day. I might eventually need to take time off, but I'll do my best not to let that happen.

To accompany the return of daily posts, I'll be moving the Might and Myth posts to this domain. I'll keep the site up, but I would like to have the content duplicated here. I haven't decided which domain name will be the canonical url yet, though. The main reason I want to move the posts here is to keep them in the daily feed. Maybe they will just link out to the Might and Myth site, but be listed here as new posts.

I also need to finally get around to updating the blog page to use pagination. One reason I haven't tackled that simple task yet is that I would also need to add search functionality to the site. It would also be helpful to go back and add tags to all my posts, so that a user can quickly see all posts with certain tags.

Finally, I think I should bring back Spanish Mondays. I really need the practice.

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